1:1 Coaching

classes ranging from

My 1:1 coaching program

1:1 Coaching

For any stage of your motherhood journey

This offering is ideal for mamas who want to try 1:1 sessions but prefer the convenience of practicing at their own time, aren’t able to make it to classes due to time or cost.

I get it – it’s not always doable to make it to a studio class or to commit to private sessions. Mom life has taught me a lot about flexibility in my schedule.

In this one-month program, you and I will work one on one.

What you can expect:

Investment $100

+ Minimal time commitment. Expect between 5-30 minutes you can fit into your day!

+ Weekly tools, techniques and practices delivered directly to your inbox.

+ Personalized attention + feedback.

* Movement is just one part of the program. Expect support, weekly check-ins, breath work + more!

This is for you if:

  • You are pregnant.
  • You are postpartum and want to practice yoga but unsure of where is best to begin
  • You are at any stage of your motherhood journey
  • Prefer the convenience to practice when + where you are.

For any stage of motherhood

This program is for you if:

  • You aren’t able to commit to studio classes due to time / cost.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You are recently postpartum.
  • You are a mom at any stage of your motherhood journey.
  • You are new to yoga or have been away for a while.