Birth Doula Services

classes ranging from

Hi, there, mama!
My love for all things surrounding birth began while I was pregnant with my first child in 2014. I noticed the positive effects my yoga practice had on my physical and mental body. I was fascinated with the way my body and mind changed to support a human life. Even more, it reminded me how strong, capable and made for birth my body was.
Welcoming a baby (or babies!) is an incredibly wonderful – yet emotional – time. My intention is to support other women + families during this transformational time in their lives. Birth is an instinctual, natural, primal experience. Each mama, each pregnancy and each baby is different – I want to support you in following your vision for birth and making the right choices and for you and your baby.
I am a birth doula certified through Birth Arts International. I also trained with DONA International.


What is a doula and what does she do? A doula is trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. They work for the family, supporting them in their vision for birth. A doula is a part of your birth team. Doulas support all types of births – home births, hospital births, unmediated births, medicated births, VBACs and cesareans.


What doesn’t a doula do? It’s important to understand that a doula is not a medical professional. They do not provide medical advice, diagnose conditions, perform any medical tasks or deliver the baby. A doula does not make decisions for you or replace your husband/partner. Doula support isn’t only for unmedicated home births.


According to DONA International, research shows that women who use are birth doula are:
  1. Less likely to need Pitocin
  2. Less likely to have a cesarean birth
  3. Less likely to use any pain medication
  4. More likely to rate their childbirth experience positively
  5. Decreased anxiety
  6. Improved postpartum mental health


In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves. – Zinn

Doula Support

  • 1-2 Prenatal Meetings
  • Build a relationship with both parents
  • Discuss birth preferences, options and interventions
  • Explore comfort + support techniques
  • Address fears + anxieties
  • Provide resources as needed (pelvic floor, childbirth education, massage, etc.)
  • Continuous support throughout labor + birth
  • YOUR CHOICE of six prenatal yoga classes at Yoga Revolution OR one private prenatal yoga session in your home. (optional)
I am on-call starting at 37 weeks of your pregnancy.
I am available through unlimited text, email and phone support throughout your pregnancy and extending one month into your postpartum period.
1 Postpartum meeting.
  • Talk about your birth story + experience
  • Check in on physical + mental recovery
  • Provide additional resources as needed

What makes me different?

I bring a unique approach blending yoga, formal education, personal research and experience. I’m pretty crunchy / hippie and like to offer natural, holistic style information and resources.
Yoga is a big part of my life. I have seen and personally experienced the benefit and impact that prenatal yoga can have on pregnancy and birth. Practicing during pregnancy can also carry over and support you in your postpartum period.
Because of this, I include prenatal yoga in my doula services. You can choose between a private prenatal session in your home OR six prenatal yoga classes at Yoga Revolution CLE in North Royalton. (If you’d like both, you’re welcome to add on additionally.) When coming to the studio, suggested attendance is at least 2x a month.
You’ll also have access to on-demand content that includes breath work and meditation to support your pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Birth Doula Support Package

  • *Discounted rate for previous families

1:1 Pick My Brain

This could be for you if:
You have previously had a baby and are looking for a refresher on certain topics.
You’d like some guidance and support in preparing for birth but don’t want a doula present at your birth.
Have a few specific questions or thoughts you’d like to talk through or discuss.
Take a moment and fill out the form below. It asks a few questions to help me tailor your session to your specific needs. I’ll be in touch with you shortly after!

Comfort Measures + Labor Support Workshop – $65

This workshop is offered quarterly at surrounding yoga studios or privately in your home. Practice ways of breathing that can ease labor pain, visualizations to support relaxation, and other hands-on techniques that your partner can use to support you during labor. If you are a doula client, this is part of our work together.